Simple button snowman pin for a cool winter swaps.
girl scout swaps
Sun Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
Cute sun swaps for summer made using a recycled milk cap.
Tanagram Puzzle Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
A puzzle or game swaps for girl scouts to continue to use and enjoy long after they swap it.
The Right Ingredients Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
Sweet heart cooking swaps – great for neighborhood cooking events.
Tic Tac Toe Game Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
I can remember making these tic tac toe to go swaps with my oldest daughter, who is now full grown…
Friendship Ball Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
The friendship ball is a heartfelt poem to share in a swaps.
First Aid Kit Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
Fun foam makes this first aid kit swap easy to create.
Daisy Pin Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
Cute daisy pin made with a shank button and pony beads.
Cowboy Hat Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
Yahoo! Fun western cowboy hat that was simple to make. turn it into more of a Mexican cowboy hat by…
Charm Pin Frog Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
This type of girl scout swaps can be made with any theme that you can find a charm for –…
Blob Buddy Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
Blobs swaps are fun to make with colored hot glue.
Beadie Girl Scout Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
Cute beadie girl scout swaps built on one large pin and pinned on with another.
Bead Daisy Girl Scout SWAP Ideas
Daisy(Juliette) would have loved these beads that can make so many designs for swaps. This beaded daisy is perfect to…