For this teen Christmas ornament craft you will need these supplies:
- Old pair of blue jeans
- Christmas themed iron-on
- Iron
- Sewing machine or needle and thread
- Pillow stuffing or recyclable stuffing like plastic bags or nylon stocking
- 6 inches of half-inch satin ribbon; green or red
- Large jar lid or other circle template
Check the size of your iron-on and use a jar lid that is at least an inch larger than the iron-on design. Trace with chalk or pencil on the jeans, then cut the circles out.
Iron on the design to the jeans piece that will be the front of your ornament.
Pin the circles together, fronts facing out. Pin the ribbon on the top in between the two blue jean circles. Sew all the way around, leaving a 2-inch opening to stuff the pillow. After stuffing close the opening by sewing it shut.
Distress the edges using a brush and pulling at the threads of the blue jeans.
- Use a stencil to make a design on the front of the ornament.
- Sew lace around the circle when putting the Christmas ornament together.
- Make school spirit ornaments for a fund raiser.