More: Blue Jean Crafts, Projects, and Ideas
This personalize teen craft is made from an old pair of blue jeans. My daughter uses hers all of the time, she loves the shape for lounging on while reading on her bed. She even takes it on sleepovers to use while hanging out in her friend’s room.
You’ll need:
- Recycled blue jeans; one leg
- Gross grain ribbon; 4 10-inch pieces
- Scissors
- Stuffing
- Fabric puff paint

Using the fabric puff paint, write a nickname or first name on one side of the blue jeans. Allow to fully dry. Be sure to use fabric paint and don’t be tempted to use any other. This pillow will need to be washed and other paints not only come off fabrics in the washer, they can damage other items washed immediately after. Want to guess how I know?

Tie a ribbon to the end of the leg in a square knot. Repeat with a second ribbon. Allow the ends of the ribbon to dangle.

Stuff the blue jean pillow until it is to the desired firmness. Tie off the end like you did on the first end.
Using scissors fringe the ends of the blue jeans, just up to the ribbon. Enjoy!
Variations: Use any old pair of pants, fluffy pajama pants work well too!