Fun craft for teens to do – plus it is easy and shows you can reuse old t-shirts for tons of projects.
You’ll need these items to make this bracelet craft:
- Large hole beads
- 16-inches of t-shirt yarn
- Large hook clasp(optional)
To get the yarn through the beads you can cut it at an angle or use fishing line to pull it through. I found the cutting at an angle approach works well. If it isn’t working for you, you may want to pick larger hole beads.

Knot the yarn on one side, leaving a 4-inch tail. Bead one bead. Overhand knot the yarn 3 times and then bead again. Repeat until you reach the desired length of the bracelet. End with an overhand knot. Trim leaving a tail at 4-inches if you are not putting on a clasp. the bracelet is tie-on. If you are putting on a clasp, knot on to both sides.

Enjoy and variations of this bracelet: Depending on the size of the hole of your beads, you can use two strands of t-shirt yarn that are two different colors. Or add metal beads with the lampwork beads for another variation.