Make Crochet Red Truck Christmas Ornament

This is a fun rustic Christmas ornament that will make up quickly for the experienced crochet artist, but can be learned easily enough for the average crochet enthusiast.

This sweet little Christmas ornament is more advanced and say mittens. But, a beginning crochet or can easily do it and accomplish having this on their Christmas tree in no time. Simply follow the step-by-step instructions given in the video.

What you need: Yarn scraps and a G/4mm crochet hook. I like how she will skip some time, but keeps all the instructions that you need to see to complete the project. Time stamps: 1:02 Materials 1:33 Body of Truck 9:21 Railing 10:30 Wheels 13:36 Window 14:49 Christmas Tree 18:56 Assembly

The video is done by Rachel at Desert Blossom Crafts