Star Christmas Tree Ornament Craft Project

Stars are sacred in the Christmas story. Therefore, they make wonderful additions to your Christmas tree ornament stash. This cute star Christmas tree ornament craft project can be made for your tree and also make excellent toppers on presents for friends and family. If you like to macramé, you will love how easy it is to make many of these stars. If you are just starting macramé, you will love having this beginner project to hang on your tree every Christmas.

by Soulful Notions

As the woman in the video suggests, there is no wooden or plastic ring in the middle of the star – making it a great ‘use up your craft supplies’ type of project.

Supplies You Need to Make the Christmas Tree Star Ornament:

As far as making different colors, you are only limited by the amount of colors you can find with this ornament. So, if your sister likes to make a pink tree, all you need is some pink cord!
